Buy French Residence Permit

Buy French Residence Permit at Purchase French residence permit from us if you intend to stay in France for more than 3 months. We have been consistent and outstanding in providing permits to clients all across the EU.

Also, we are the fastest online service where you can directly buy a French residence permit. Continental Docs is very reliable and has very friendly customer service. Our French residence permit Cost average because we have an exceptional discount project.

Furthermore, the French residence permit you buy from us is authentic. You’ll have no trouble buying a residency permit and applying for a job or to the French government.

We have over 7 years of expertise supplying actual residence permits in France to European clients. We have had so many clients buy French residence permits from Toulouse, Lyon, and Nice, amongst others.

How to get a residence permit in France for non-EU citizens

General Terms of getting a French residence permit

Basically, there are four broad categories of entry/residence permits in France, depending on the duration of stay as well as your purpose of entering the country, namely: 

French Residence Permit
1.Type D Visa

This is a short-term visa that will be valid for the maximum of three months. In most cases, it is equivalent to the standard Schengen visa, and all the corresponding documentation and application requirements will apply.

You can get it online or at the nearest French Consulate, not necessarily in your home country. The only exception is if the French and your governments have an agreement not to issue visas in a third country, in which case you will only be able to apply for the visa back home.

You will most likely have to:

  • State the purpose of entry, such as tourism, medical treatment, transit, business, study, et cetera.

  • Confirm sufficient funds to support yourself for the entire duration of the visa.

  • Have medical insurance that operates in the EU (the standard coverage required by European countries is currently 30K euros).

  • In some cases, show an onward or return ticket. 

2. Long-Stay Visa Equivalent to a Residence Permit

If you intend to be in France for longer than three months, you will have to apply for the so-called VLS-TS. This is basically the same as a multi-entry long-term visa, which allows you to stay in the country for up to one year.

The visa is renewable indefinitely, and you do not need to apply for a residence permit as such, so it effectively becomes a temporary residence permit. In most cases when they refuse to renew VLS-TS, it has something to do with a violation of criminal law or consular regulations.

The application procedure is very much the same as in the case of the Schengen visa, except that you will receive a different type of VLS-TS, depending on your purpose of entering the country, namely:

  • Studies,

  • Training,

  • Scientific work,

  • Artistic or cultural professional activity,

  • Temporary employment,

  • Trading,

  • Family visits.

The VLS-TS visa costs up to 100 euros in most cases. 

Note: when you arrive in France on your VLS-TS, you will need to visit the French Office for Immigration and Integration as soon as possible, in order to complete certain formalities required for validating the visa.

3. Temporary Residence Permit

Beyond one year, you will need to obtain a residence permit, and its duration will depend on your purpose of application. It breaks down as follows: 

Type of Permit

Maximum Duration

Passeport Talent

Four years

Seasonal workers

Information and Communications Technology Employees

Three years

Financially independent

Remote workers

Digital nomads


Ten years

Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and their family members

Four years

Stateless personae and their family members


Whichever type of temporary residence permit you decide to apply for, you will have to do it within 60 days from the date of arrival in the country. You can do it at the nearest prefecture office, online or, if you are in Paris, any police station. You will most likely be asked to present:

  • Your identity document and birth certificate,

  • Confirmation of sufficient income,

  • Medical insurance,

  • Proof of family ties, if applicable,

  • In some cases, a certificate of basic proficiency in French language. 

4. Permanent Residence Permit

Once you have lived in France permanently for at least five years, or when your temporary residence card expires the first time, you will be eligible to apply for a permanent residence permit.

By living permanently, they mean that you spend at least 183 days per year in the country. And when you have lived in France permanently for at least ten years, you will be able to apply for French citizenship.

Permanent residence permits are generally issued for ten years, during which you and your family members will be able to reside, travel and seek employment freely anywhere in the European Union.

In addition, all of you will be allowed to use the public medical and educational facilities anywhere in the EU. 

Note: a digital print of each applicant’s fingerprints will be required for this purpose.

General Documentation Requirements

The precise package of documents required for application purposes will depend on the type of residence permit as well as your particular circumstances. However, in line with the general requirements in the European Union, you will most likely have to submit the following:

  • Your identity document and passport (the latter must be valid for at least three more months).

  • Marriage and other certificates to prove your relationship with your family members.

  • Any utility bill, purchase or rental contract or a bank statement to confirm your residential address in France.

  • In case you own real estate in the country, the property transfer certificate and proof that you have paid property tax up to date.

  • Police certificate from the EU, your country of origin as well as the country of your actual permanent residence up to date.

  • Medical insurance for at least 30K euros.

  • Medical certificates that you do not suffer from AIDS and tuberculosis.

  • Local tax number.

  • Proof of having an account in a French bank.

  • Language certificate of basic proficiency in French (in some cases).

  • Confirmation of sufficient funds and/or income outside the European Union, which may be passive or active, such as employment, self-employment, private company, rental income, pension fund, benefits from capital investments or brokerage contracts.

  • CERFA 14571-05 application form completed in French.

  • Three passport-size color photos. 

French residence permit application
Apply online for a residence permit,